Brandon Galbraith Brandon Galbraith has held various director titles for the chorus since joining them in the fall of 2013, but as of January 2017, he is their principal conductor. He is a music educator and a 2016 graduate of the University of Minnesota. In addition to directing the North Stars, Brandon is also the director of the Vallee De Croix Chorus, a women’s barbershop chorus based in Stillwater, Minnesota, and assistant director of the Great Northern Union. Brandon's musical activities don't stop with Barbershop. He sings at Hamline United Methodist Church in St. Paul, and has previously sung with local groups Hymnos and MPLS (pronounced Impulse), along with short appearances with the Minnesota Chorale and Singers In Accord. Brandon also has his own business creating vocal learning media for local choruses, including international competitors Great Northern Union Chorus and Sweet Adelines chorus City of Lakes. |
President Scott Zoellner
Past BOTYs are:
2023 - Scott Zoellner
2022 - Chuck Buchs-Hammonds 2021 - Tom Foster 2020 - Del Brandt 2019 - Brandon Galbraith 2018 - Mark Roble 2017 - Lou Gottwalt 2016 - Grant Warning 2015 - Paul Willis 2014 - Larry Dean 2013 - Steve Hardy 2012 - Ron Bullard 2011 - Jym Hubbel 2010 - Gordon Everest 2009 - Steve Zorn 2008 - Ron Neujahr 2007 - Doug Klemz 2006 - Jim Kramer 2005 - Ricky Chaddock 2004 - Dennis Jacobson 2003 - John Barrett |
2002 - Tom Heinke 2001 - Ed Jackson 2000 - Jim Lee 1999 - Mike Brama 1998 - Jim Olson 1997 - Dave Boyd 1996 - Ron Riley 1995 - Dennis Brown 1994 - Al Wachter 1993 - Don Nechodom 1992 - Ray Ensrud 1991 - Ron Young 1990 - Rick Anderson 1989 - Herb Schauer 1988 - Ralph Erickson 1987 - Max Parks 1986 - Darwin Jones 1985 - Bob DeLamartre 1984 - Duane Rygg 1983 - Loren Bentz 1982 - Gene Fisher |
1981 - Ron Middlestaedt 1980 - Frank Goggins 1979 - Rod Jones 1978 - Dick Teeters 1977 - Bob Gabel 1976 - Bernie Adams 1975 - Dick Gilstad /Gene Glaser 1974 - Stan Arndt 1973 - Bill Westerhoff 1972 - Ron Glaeser 1971 - Harry Straw 1969 - Carol Johanson 1968 - Night Howls quartet (Bob Dowma, Don Challman, Doug Chapman, Dale Teorey) 1967 - Harry Cedarholm 1966 - John Walker 1965 - Ed Johnson 1964 - Cal Garley 1963 - Jack Gauthier 1962 - Fred Street |