Cinematix sings the songs of the movies. From the first talkie movie in 1927 until today, they share the fun songs that everyone knows. From uptunes to ballads to novelty songs, this foursome brings the joy of 4 part barbershop harmony to their audiences throughout the Twin Cities. Cinematix is Steve Grady (tenor), Shawn Hunter (lead), Andy Richards (bass), and Scott Zoellner (baritone). Contact Scott at
Note'orious is made up of 4 guys that all belong to the St. Paul Chapter. They have well over 101 years of Barbershopping experience singing experience and have been singing together for over 10 years, frequently competing in Barbershop Harmony Society quartet competitions, and were honored as the Land O' Lakes District 2013 Senior Quartet Champions. They are available for chapter shows, weddings, birthday parties, parades, senior homes, and other special events. From the left and clockwise are Duane Rygg (baritone), Ron Riley (lead), Grant Warning (tenor), and Steve Zorn (bass). Contact Ron Riley at (612) 670-9668 or
Despite having been together a relatively short time, Loose Change has managed to achieve two first place finishes in their local Barbershop Harmony Society competitions. They are the Land O' Lakes District 2021 Novice and Senior Champions. These fun-loving and talented senior singers entertain regularly at senior homes, church services, and private events. Loose Change is Lou Gottwalt (baritone), Keith Holtan (bass), Tony Kelzer (lead), and Grant Warning (tenor). Contact Keith Holtan at (612) 581-8580 or Loose Change can also be found on Facebook.
The Fourtold quartet, formed in 2017, is made up of Gordon Everest (T), Del Brandt (L), Jake Simmer (B), and Paul Willis (b) respectively, from left to right. In age we currently span four consecutive decades, together making up 150 years of singing barbershop harmony. Besides singing at chapter shows and singouts, a favorite activity is delivering Singing Valentines every year. We are available to sing for that special person in your life, or on special occasions — birthday, wedding, anniversary, church service, senior living home, hospital, etc. Contact Gordon at 612-886-1257 or
We are a fully non-profit 501(C)3 organization, with taxpayer ID 41-6051126, registered with the IRS under the title Society For Preservation & Encrgmnt Of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer (H073 Greater St Paul Area).
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